Athletic Edge Physical Therapy of San Diego, CA was founded on the drive to help people achieve their health and fitness goals. Dr. Natasha Hastings is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, with an extensive history of sport involvement. She specializes in orthopedic & sports rehab, combined with strength and conditioning coaching.
Dr. Hastings is from the East Coast, originating from Northeast, PA. She grew up in a rural town, started playing soccer at 6, later basketball, and then lacrosse in college & post-college. She was a travel PT for a bit, treating in North Carolina, NOVA (northern VA), and now sunny San Diego, CA. Dr. Hastings loves the outdoors: hiking, snowboarding, attending her local CrossFit box, and hanging out with husband and 2 Vizslas.
While working her first several years in the general orthopedic setting, Dr. Hastings noticed patients were treated more like a number than an actual human being. AEPT was developed in 2019 to better serve clients and give them the one-on-one attention they need.