Improve Your Sleep!
Sleep hygiene is just a fancy way of discussing your patterns before you hit the hay. Many people experience sleep difficulties, especially as more responsibility tacks on or more stressors creep into your life. It used to be thought that pain was causing lack of sleep, but studies have shown that its the exact opposite. Lack of sleep is contributing to constant pain (1).
Here are a few sleep hygiene tricks to add into your routine:
1.) Go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday.
2.) Use your bed ONLY for sleep and sex. Avoid eating, having night time discussions, watching tv, and using your phone in bed. If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes of lying down, get up and go do something then come back and try again.
3.) Develop a relaxing night time routine, whether it’s meditating, taking a warm bath, yoga, or reading. Pick one and stick to it that way your body and mind registers the reflex for “sleep” to come on.
4.) Avoid moderate or rigorous exercise 3-4 hours before bed. This will just get you amped and not want to go to sleep for a little while.
5.) Avoid caffeinated drinks/food/stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, cigarette smoking) 4 hours before bed, but honestly even longer out is better.
6.) STOP taking over the counter or unprescribed sleeping pills.
7.) Avoid day-time napping that way you are tired by night time.
8.) Stop using your phone/blue-light emitting electronics 30-60 minutes before bed time, and make a comfortable sleeping environment. OR try these ant-blue light, non-prescription glasses to reduce the blue light stimulating your brain Make sure the room isn’t too hot or too cold, and that light isn’t creeping in. Try a sleeping mask if you’re unable to control the light.
9.) Avoid large meals or spicy foods 2-3 hours before bed, but do have a light snack if you’re hungry. The acid used to help digest large meals/spicy foods can stir-up heartburn and was you up. Also avoid drinking excessive liquids 2-3 hours before bed.
10.) Contact your primary care physician if you have tried all your efforts and still have trouble sleeping (2).